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The Girl

Metmet Aportadera
Philippine Science High School-Western Visayas (2011)
University of Sto. Tomas
I'm really not sure exactly who I am.
But whoever is reading this has access to my innermost thoughts.
So I'll let them decide.


Ma'am Amsi

Fulfill Them For Me?

Sony Vaio Duo
Sony Xperia Z
Machiavelli Chocolatier Chocolates
Pandora Charms
A Trip to Paris
New Accomodations
Serenitea Gift Certificates
Bizu, Cafe Macaron, or TWG Macaroons

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May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 January 2010 March 2010 May 2010 June 2010 August 2010 March 2011 April 2011 July 2011 August 2011 January 2012 May 2012 June 2012 August 2013


Base Codes:X0X0

♥ Sunday, May 31, 2009

I was tagged by Jeanne. So I was supposed to answer the ff. questions.

1. Where is your cell phone? In the bag I'm going to bring later.
2. Your significant other? I probably haven't met him yet.
3. Your hair? Black. Currently clipped up.
4. Your mother? She's doing her medical rounds in various hospitals.
5. Your father? In his clinic.
6. Your favorite thing? PIGS and my cellphone and DS.
7. Your dream last night? It was sunny and I was enrolling for 3rd year then there was lightning (even though it was sunny) and then my 2nd year classmate didn't know me and I was enrolling for 2nd year but in Angelicum and all my classmates from PhilSci were, too and all my friends from PhilSci didn't know me.
8. Your favorite drink? Strawberry milkshakes and 7up with strawberry syrup.
9. Your dream/goal? Become CEO of Chanel... (My backup plan is to get into Oxford and become a really successful doctor/lawyer and travel a lot.)
10. What room you are in? Our library.
11. Your hobby? Philosophy, Shopping, Travel, Playing DS games, Gaia, Neopets, Reading, Listening to music.
12. Your fear? BANANAS. They're evil, I tell you! EVIL!!!
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Training to be a lawyer/doctor, preferably in Oxford, Yale, Harvard, any Ivy League school.
14. Where were you last night? In my dreams.
15. Something that you aren't? What most people think I am or judge me to be like.
16. Muffins? Cupcakes.
17. Wish list item? Too many to count.
18. Where you grew up? 36 Commission Civil st. Jaro, I.C., Paranaque, Dusit Thani, Makati & Edsa Shangrila, Century Park hotel. (Yes, I practically grew up in hotels, going with my parents to their seminars/conventions. Those are the hotels we stayed in the most.)
19. Last thing you did? Eat Lindt white chocolate.
20. What are you wearing? White camisole with ruffles, pink shorts and pink bedroom slippers.
21. Your TV? Gonna be replaced by a pink and white one.
22. Your pets? 10 dogs. 4 male, 6 female. 9 mutts, 1 Cairn Terrier.
23. Friends? Still trying to figure out...
24. Your life? Meaningless.
23. Your mood? Nostalgic
26. Missing someone? So many...
27. Your car? Is gonna be black, pink or both. (I'm praying for a BMW...)
28. Something you're not wearing? An Easter Bunny costume.
29. Your favorite store? Just one? I love any brand's/store's outlet.
30. Your favorite color? PINK!!! Also, black, white, gold, silver. a certain shade of blue that I can't identify...
31. When is the last time you laughed? Last night, when I finished a DS game.
32. Last time you cried? When I found out my french fry consumption would be limited.
33. Favorite Thing? Haven't I answered this already? Question #6?
34. One place that I go to over and over? The bathroom, the malls (especially Greenbelt, Glorietta and Bonifacio High Street!), the airport (Iloilo & Manila, Domestic & International).
35. One person who emails me regularly? My tita who works for IVI. She's studying Cholera or something.
36. My favorite place to go eat? The Promenade, Al Dente, Messe, etc... (Sbarro for ordinary days.)
37. One place you would like to go right now? Rodeo Drive... or Paris.
38. One person you think will respond? To what? Chocolate?

I tag Abbie and Jasmine. You're it!

Life's complicated. Nothing's gonna change that...
1:20 PM

♥ Friday, May 29, 2009

I went to the dentist today to get my braces checked. My original schedule was April 15, but I had to do the SSIP thing. Anyway, her office is in the building across SM Delgado. My mom dropped me and my grandmother off around 2:30 and on the way up, mym lola fell. Luckily, she grabbed the railing and she didn't get hurt. Anyway, when we got there and showed the braces that came off, the dentist said some were missing and she would see if it would be cheaper to buy a new set, a cheaper one, or just replace the lost ones. I'm going back on Tuesday. We went to SM Delgado after that and looked around at the department store. I just bought a shirt and 2 pairs of pants last Sunday and none of the stuff there really caught my eye so I ended up not buying anything (and ruining my perfect shopping record there. I used to buy something everytime I went to the second floor of SM Delgado.)

My mom had replied by then so I told her we would wait for her at Dulgies. By that time, I was getting kinda pissed because there were way too many people at SM. I wanted to go to SMART to get my cellphone checked cuz I just switched to red mobile (my dad's stupid idea) and apparently my 'mobile is not supported'. Stupid network didn't support the Xperia X1. There were so many people in line (probably buying their kids new cellphones) so I decided to go another time. My lola and I crossed the street again and I noticed a guy blowing bubbles from the overpass going to Marymart. The bubbles would float down and pop on cars' windshields. For some reason, that really brightened up my dayI mean, here is guy blowing bubbles in the middle of the afternoon. This meant he probably had no job, unless he took the day off or his job was selling those bubble blower things. He was old, not old old but definitely not a 20-something student anymore.

I couldn't stop thinking about it. Even with a Pink Chocolate smoothie, a slice of Lemoncello and Midnight Caramel in front of me, my mind was on bubbles. I've always loved bubbles, even when I was already Grade 5. I realized, there's something about bubbles that fascinate me... They're made from little more than a drop or two of any soapy substance but filled with just air, they grow and form into a perfect sphere. They don't last long but if you look at them while they atill float in the air, you can see the rainbow. I snapped out of that reverie when the sugar rush hit me, though. Everything was (naturally) amazing!! I swear I am addicted to those cakes and the Pink Chocolate combined two of the things I like the most, the color pink and the taste of chocolate... Unfrotunately, my mom is still "concerned" for my health so we didn't bring a Caramel Pecan Cheesecake home...

Life's complicated. Nothing's gonna change that...
7:16 PM

♥ Thursday, May 28, 2009

My lola's getting a dialysis, which is having something injected into your bloodstream because your kidney can no longer 'clean' the blood. Last night, my dad, being my dad, said it was "a blessing in disguise" because it made our family aware of our rather 'rich' (i.e. fatty) tastes in food and proceeded to lecture me about the dangers of everything that has sodium in it, which apparently is...everything edible. I asked how everything could have salt in it and they said it's because it's used as a preservative. So I'm supposed to limit my ingestion of food that isn't a fresh vegetable or fruit...

Me, being me, answered back saying chocolate didn't taste salty. Thay said it still had sodium. That depleted my "Metmet Sanity Level"*. Since I can't go shopping, to the spa, or annoy Gilbert to hell, I have taken up eating as my new shallow, anti-depression therapy. Well, I like caramel more than chocolate and so next I asked if I could still eat that. They said it should be "controlled". My Metmet Sanity Level was now less than half of "normal".

Okay, I got cut off because of a brownout....
Anyway, after that I started to go to the bathroom. But then, I thought of something and went back. "What about french fries?" Translated to English, they said: "Definitely unhealthy. Minimize it." That emptied my Metmet Sanity Level I went to my room but as soon as I was out of sight, I broke down. I fell to the floor and started to cry. I know it seems really melodramatic but I now have nothing, nothing to pour my supposedly "adolescent" angst into...

Now, I can't wear that really nice T-shirt that I bought in the M&M Store in New York. It would make me (or at least my mom or dad) a hypocrite. Well, I don't care! I'm still gonna wear that shirt and eat stuff that will eventually make me sick! Damn my kidneys!! I'm gonna get me some Milk Duds's...

*Metmet Sanity Level-amount of self-control that I have. I recharge it by having my stufftoys act out evil plots murdering each other...

Life's complicated. Nothing's gonna change that...
1:42 PM

♥ Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Why am I so obsessed with Gilbert? Am I so shallow that in my hidden desire to be deeper I'm willing to look for any excuse to act emo? Sharpay Evans has been my idol since 5th grade. But now that I think about it, Sharpay may be fabulous and have a luxurious lifestyle with every possible luxury... But it's Gabriella that gets Troy... Not that I'd want Troy (or want to want Troy, I hate obsessive fangirls). I know it's a Disney movie but I'm really nostalgic and well, still yearning for a bit of my past. I loved love High School Musical but if I was Sharpay, I'd give up everything I had (except Ryan, who loved and accepted me and knew me better than anyone... Gilbert... *sniffle*) to have a guy who would care for me as much as Troy loved Gabriella. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy listening to Can I Have This Dance and Right Here, Right Now... (Of course, that could have been my cringing at Vanessa Hudgens' voice...) I'm not the type to squeal at "kilig" moments but I do have a wistful, romantic side, one that yearns to be special to someone special. It just seems like people in love don't feel empty, like they have something (or someone...) to live for other than themselves.

Looking back, Gilbert was fun. He isn't anymore. He's just saddening me. And the best thing to do would be to forget him. ASAP. This means I'm going to avoid anything relating to PhilSci (and him) for a while. So, Jasmine, Justine, Abbie, Kai, if you guys are reading this... Can we meet sometime? (And bring Jeanne... It's too bad Myrtle's in Manila now...) Being in a house that except for my grandmothers and helpeers would otherwise be completely empty reminds me too much of my life which except for my friends and family would otherwise be completely useless. There's nothing to do but think about existence in the afterlife, which almost always makes me cry when I think of the people stuck in hell forever, and attempting to grasp the concepts of eternity (Heaven is forever... Won't it get boring?) and infinity (There are billions of people all over the world plus all those that have died. Eliminating reincarnation, how God avoid overpopulation?). It sounds stupid but when you think of the fact that it's never gonna end...
^That and I miss you guys...

Damn. When I was on YM with Justine, talking about starting this blog I remember saying "Fine. I'll start a blog for people who are apparently obsessed (and maybe a little bit or will soon be jealous) of my life." There''s absolutely nothing to be jealous about. All I have are material things. And not even enough of those. Life was so much simpler in elementary. Memories are really strange things. They make us laugh about the times we cried and cry about the times we laughed...

Life's complicated. Nothing's gonna change that...
8:41 PM

♥ Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I have just realized that in almost every post in this blog, Gilbert is mentioned. Most people would probably understand that he's like a little brother to me and that I abused his stupidity gullibility naivety innocence. I want to clear some things up. He wasn't exactly stupid or gullible. But most of our conversations are like debates and he usually starts them. (I keep a score it's me-87, him-3. He tried catching up...) Myrtle knew him because she used to go to the same review center as him. He's the kind of guy who tries to make people happy, usually by making them laugh, which he does by letting people laugh or make fun of him. He's really good natured and considerate, to a fault even. It let other people, including me, take advantage of him. I did apologize before the school year ended and I'm pretty sure he knew I meant it. I was crying when I said sorry but he knows I can act pretty well since I cried (I was acting.) once and got him really weirded out. (He was saying, "What did I do? I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Met, please stop crying...")I got 20 pesos out of that... hehehe.

Anyway, he sat in the seat behind me in or classroom and (Sheena told me) the people around us (except our teacher, of course) was always listening/watching when we fought debated. He would say something and I would reply something completely unrelated by twisting his words... It was a lot of fun with 'witty banter', retorts, comebacks and me smirking after thoroughly confusing him. (I would consider myself the winner when he could only respond with "What?") He was a good outlet for my frustration and mounting hostility for the world. Dissing him was practically my hobby. He knew I didn't mean the meaner things that I said and I wouldn't hold a grudge on the things he would do. I'm really gonna miss him. But I'm getting over it. Writing about it him here helps a lot.

PS If anybody has time can they give me quick pointers on HTML. I've forgotten everything about it since we started doing programming. I want to edit my blog layout and add some media stuff. Specifically, can someone help me add music and links?

Life's complicated. Nothing's gonna change that...
5:53 PM

♥ Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ugghhh!!! My mother is forcing me to clean my room. It's perfect the way it already is. Sure, you can't see the floor anymore... but my clothes are much more easily accessible this way... And I do not have pet cockroaches in there!!! (Just Snuffly the dust bunny...) Anyway, she won't "approve" of me buying anymore stuff until it's cleaned. Which totally sucks cuz any day now the stores will be having end of summer/back-to-school sales!!! And now my dad has banned any credit card transactions... He says it's cuz they might realize I lied about my age... Who the hell would care if we fucking lied about my age?!? We pay the bills on time! And if I use it I'm helping their profits and the economy... I would be helping fight a global recession!!! Unfortunately, my parents don't see it that way... They think I'm "falling under the spell of consumerism" or som,ething like that...
It's not exactly my fault that I like to shop... There's not much else to do... It's like my escape from stress and the pressure of keeping my sanity. And now that Gilbert's gone, I need the bliss of purchasing so much more... Can't they understand that? Don't they understand me? And they don't "approve" of me going to the spa either... They say they "didn't have spas before and they survived stress without them". Well, it's shopping, spa treatments, or finding a way to bring Gilbert back!!! (Dammit, I'm getting obsessed with Gilbert's transfer...) Stay calm, Metmet. You do not need him. You do not need anybody. Caring for Gilbert just hurt you. You made the same mistake you did before. Wait a minute! Didn't I just talk about this a couple of posts back? With the apologies?.. *sigh* It's like my defense machanism. I don't feel hurt because I don't feel at all...
I should really see a psychologist/psychiatrist... No, bad idea. They'd probably tell me it's adolescence or some other crap... I'll have to live my life alone... Wait! I'm doing it again!!! Gilbert, this is all your fault!!! (Man, that felt so familiar... I used to blame Gilbert for everything by saying it happened cuz he distrcted me or something... *sigh* Gilbert...)
Anyway, I just posted cuz I was bored. It always amazes me how easy it is for me to express myself by writing (or typing). That must be why everyhting I write always becomes so personal...

Life's complicated. Nothing's gonna change that...
7:27 PM

♥ Friday, May 22, 2009

Finally, after being free labor for the required 160 hours, I'M FREE!!! FREE!!!

Now, my only problem is how to keep in touch/ contact Gilbert (since he never replies) and enrollment. Oh, and my usual nostalgia issue. *sigh* Thanks to Gilbert, Breathe and I'm Only Me When I'm With You (both by Taylor Swift) is on repeat on my music player... So is Silence (Aly and AJ Michalka)... God, I'm so gonna miss him... Myrtle, too... I had no idea this is what it felt like when someone important to you is leaving... I feel like they're moving on and I'm going to get left behind. Was this how the twins and Myrtle and Abbie felt when I went to PhilSci?.. I didn't realize... When you're leaving, you're the one in charge. I was the one who made the decision to go to PhilSci... (Technically, my parents were. But the final decision was really up to me... And I decided to go...) At any time I can make a decision to go back... But, I can't decide for Myrtle or for Gilbert... I feel so helpless. There's nothing I can do to change their minds... Gilbert has already completed the paperwork for transfer and Myrtle's already in Manila. It's not up to me whether or not they're gonna stay... (I wish it ws though...)

Argh! I am not going to get all sentimental and sappy in this post! I already covered that part with the last post... Anyway, today we went back to SEAFDEC to get a group picture with Sir Caryl. Today was also when I was supposed to enroll. (I'll enroll on Monday instead. Dang X-ray... The CBC hurt, too) Sir Caryl wasn't there so we took the picture with Ma'am Ruby instead. Grr! The songs keep making me think of Gilbert and tear up. He really was like a little brother to me. And in his own (really weird) way, he was special. He put up with me and, now I'm gonna turn emo cuz arguing with him was the therapy that kept me sane. I'll probably lose my mind and kill somebody... But like I told Gilbert: I'll plead insanity and get away with it...

Since I can't get my mind off Gilbert, I'll just list the songs in the playlist I dedicated to him. (Most of them are lame and old but they suit my mood right now and remember, any little thing/comment could push me to insanity now that I can't let my craziness by arguing with Gilbert.) The songs (plus my ratings) are:

1. If I Could Have You Back Again (2 stars)

2. Silence (5 stars)

3. Unlove You (4 stars)<---'Love' in a brother-sister way.

4. Division (4 stars)

5. Something More (2 stars) <---Doesn't really suit my situation. But I realized he means much more to me than I thought.

6.We'll Be Together (2 stars)<---Too romantic...

7. Gotta Find You (4 stars)<--- Well, I can't 'find' (contact) Gilbert and the song does fit even if I don't really like the Jonas Brothers or Camp Rock.

8. Gotta Go My Own Way (The version by Nikki Gil) (5 stars)<--- I can relate to how Troy feels during this song...

9. Breathe (5 stars)<---If I sang this song, I would be being completely honest. Especially the 'I'm sorry' part.

10. I'm Only Me When I'm With You (4 stars)<--- I was always completely myself whenever we "debated".

In the registration/enrollment thing, his name already has 'Transfered' written. So I guess it's official... Oh, great, more tears...

Life's complicated. Nothing's gonna change that...
7:30 PM

♥ Saturday, May 16, 2009

To my best friends and all my friends in PhilSci: You already know most of this... I wrote it in your ticklers... But I didn't write everything... I just hate letting people that I have to have immediate contact with know how I feel... But just so you know, I can be much nicer than I am... And I'm sorry that I don't try as hard as I should. I just feel like people respect me because they see that I have potential and they don't know how far I can go with that potential. If I reach for the stars, they still don't know how far I can actually go... There's the possibility that I can make my dreams come true. But if I do try my best...
What if I don't reach my dreams? What if my best isn't good enough? Would people still respect me if they knew that I could only get that far? I don't know if I could cope with knowing that I did my best and tried as hard as I could and not achieve my goal. I don't know if I could accept knowing for sure that my dreams would always just be... dreams.
To Diana, Nadya, and Wendy: You already know. I told you everything during the retreat thing. The rest you can read here.
To Gilbert: I'm sorry. I know I abused your good nature and gullibility. It's just so much fun to fight with you because our insults are creative... I'll write a few of the best lines here...
"If you die under mysterious circumstances, I had nothing to do with it."
"A double-u is a squigly line that goes down to the right then, up to the right, down to the right again and up to the right again... ."
"I'll plead insanity and get away with it."
"Every night I pray that you die and go to hell."
"I'll give you an M&M if you commit suicide!"
"I'll pretend to cry and get you in trouble if you keep throwing peanuts at my head."
"Sit, Gilbert, sit! Sit or I'll throw this notebook out the window. Good boy!"
"This ballpen is worth a million dollars."
"I said crap. Hahaha!"
"My dad's a lawyer."
"God doesn't answer those types of prayers..."
"Aah! No! You're gonna write "I love Faith" on my neck.""
"Metmet and paint: bad combination."
"I want my shoe back."

Hehehe... I'll miss you. You really were like a little brother to me. Who am I supposed to use as a therapy dummy now?.. Bye Gilbert... I really am sorry...

Argh! Apologizing is exhausting. One last apology!

To my parents and God: I know you must be disappointed in me. I know I'm spoiled and manipulative and cost you a lot. And I'm sorry. And thank you for everything you've given me and all the sacrifices you made.
(PS, I still want those pink Sony TV, DVD player and speakers... )
(PPS, you guys raised me this way...) ;)

Life's complicated. Nothing's gonna change that...
2:17 PM

To all my best friends (at least, I hope) from ASIL: What happened? When we gratuated from elementary, we promised each other. We would be best friends forever. That our friendship wouldn't change... Now it feels like our friendship never existed. Or at least that it wasn't as strong as I remember it to be... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I broke my promise when I said that I'd never forget... I did forget... At least, for a while... I thank God I remembered... I should have kept in touch... Like I said I would... I've been reading so much and I realized, God, did I really miss this much of my (supposedly) best friends' lives?...

To Myrtle: I still consider you my best friend. We've been best friends since Grade 2! You were always the first to know my reactions to stuff... Until we were split into 2 sections... Then it became Jasmine or Ronna... But I still love you and I treasure all the fights we had... I know they made us stronger... Remember when everytime we fought back then, we would ignore each other? Then we'd be laughing and playing by lunch... I feel like we had a fight... We haven't been in touch... And we have a dozen tests before lunch... I'm sorry.

To Jasmine: You were my other best friend. The one who would always listen because I told her to "shut up and listen first"... I know I abused you a bit before and I'm sorry for that. I never did fully respect your rights as a human being... or as a cow (Wait, were you a cow or a goat? I remember one of you was a horse... I think)... But even then, I loved (even if not respected) you... And I still do... And I'm sorry.

To Justine: Can you still remember when you first got to ASIL and Myrtle and I decided if you wanted to join 'WITCH' you had to undergo training? We would have you jump over puddles... And I got mad at you because you couldn't speak English back then... (You still can't but you've gotten much better.) Remember the time we were fighting and you always didn't wear the vest but Jasmine did? And then Jasmine let you wear the vest so I though you were her and talked to you? I miss you guys... I'm sorry.

To Ronna: We were always fighting... But when we weren't, we had lots of fun... I miss throwing water balloons at each other (even though they almost never popped when we did...) I miss coming over to your house and going through your games and stuff... You are less than 5 minutes away from our house and I haven't seen or heard from you since your birthday... (But I did see your mom on the plane to Manila, last April...) I've been to lazy to call or come over but just so you know, you're always welcome at our house... I'm sorry...

To Abbie: We're cousins... We should have been super close like Myrtle and Kai... But we weren't and even though we are pretty close now... It's not like how close they are... You were always there for me... For all of us... And I still wince everytime I think of when we had a fight because of a stupid misunderstanding... (I said you were "kinda manol" and later you thought I called you "mango" (as in stupid not as in fruit...)...) You were late for swimming that afternoon... I'm sorry.

To Kai: We weren't really that close. We were close only in having Myrtle as our mutual best friend... But you hate anything girly and I'm practically the epitome of girly so we probably wouldn't have clicked anyway... But still, I feel like I missed the opportunity to make a new friend... But if you're willing to be friends with really girly person, I'm willing to try listening to metal music... (I'm not annoyingly girly... I don't go "OMG, I broke a nail!!!" or "I can't go out like this! My shoes don't match my earrings!", etc... I'm fine with getting sweaty or dirty... Okay, maybe not dirty but I really like getting wet...) I'm sorry.

Life's complicated. Nothing's gonna change that...
2:05 PM

Since today's a Saturday (i.e. I'm not free labor today.), I've just been reading the blogs of my Elementary friends. Most of them hadn't updated (Min, Tin, this means you) but Myrtle's was... interesting. It reminded me why we were (are?) best friends. She's going through the same stuff I am. (Minus the love affair with a college guy.)

It's really hard for me to let people know about my innermost feelings. I'm always sure they wouldn't understand. I don't even understand myself. I never know why I always feel so useless. So empty. Like there's something missing from my life. Like maybe I shouldn't even exist. That I was born by accident. That God doesn't have a plan or purpose for me...

Then I remember that I have friends, family, and maybe some random people I don't even know who care about me. And even if God didn't have a plan for me (and I know he does), He'd still love me. Which is why I probably feel so empty... I'm thinking that even if nobody cared, I'd be fine. That I don't need or care about anybody. That I only need me. The truth is that I have such low self-esteem that I do actually think nobody cares about me. And so I overcompensate by caring (too much) about myself. But there are people who love me. But before I realized that they cared, I had gotten so caught up in me, me, me that I forget about them...

I'm gonna use this post to say apologize. I was so convinced that I was too far from perfect that I tried to pretend that I was... I feel like ever since I got to PhilSci, I've been acting. Was I really as self-centered, bratty, abusive, extravagant, annoying and bitchy in ASIL as I am now? Maybe I was. And it was natural, not acting back then because I didn't know, didn't realize... But even now that I have realized that it hurts others, I still do it. I've just gotten used to it. Besides, by acting all shallow, I managed to hide that the wounds were deep enough to hurt... If I acted like I didn't care, it masked how disappointed and hopeless I really felt inside...

I put the apologies on another post because this one ended up too long...

Life's complicated. Nothing's gonna change that...
12:05 PM

♥ Friday, May 15, 2009

It's over... Our internship is officially over... Johna and Maulene aren't going back to SEAFDEC anymore. Neither is Sheena, Nina and Ann... And despite all my rants about, child labor laws, being free labor, destroying my summer, etc... I had lots of fun. I didn't get bored at all this summer. (Mostly due to the knowledge that Fishworld had a giftshop...) Even though Kaye and I need to extend (I was absent for six days, Kaye, four.), I still wish our summer internship lasted longer.

SEAFDEC is actually really great. it has a beautiful view of the ocean, cool fish, a pet sea turtle, and really nice staff. I'm gonna miss it. I end on Tuesday. After that, It's "Bye-bye SEAFDEC!". I want to finish already but at the same time I want it to last just a little bit longer. Same with High School. Half of it is already over and it feels like just yesterday that I graduated from elementary... Time does move too fast... I wonder if someday in Heaven, I could relive the best parts of my life... I wonder if I'll still love my parents or my dogs... How sure are we that God didn't give souls to the animals we loved while on Earh?....


Anyway (I just realized that I use "anyway" to start a paragraph every post...), today was seriously fun. I did the usual boring stuff, of course, but the fun started when Johna was gonna get her evaluation form signed by Ma'am Mila. They borrowed the bikes of two people from the tilapia hatchery (which is right next to the milkfish hatchery) to get there and I was just going to ride with Maulene since she had the big bike. The person who owned the bike left his baseball cap on it so Maulene put it on. She got on the bike and I sat in front of her, taking care not to block her view. (My parents drive me everywhere so I still haven't learned how to bike or commute.)

We had already gone to Phyco and found out that Ma'am Mila wasn't there yet so we decided to bike (and me ride) around first. Everything was going fine until Maulene's baseball cap slipped and she couldn't see. To make matters worse, we ran over a pothole. Maulene tried to pull us over but we were still going pretty fast when we hit the edge of the road... We fell. Luckily, that side of the road was covered with grass so we weren't badly hurt. I ruined my pants though... (But the laughs were totally worth it.)

Later on, before lunch, I went to the tilapia hatchery again and saw them cleaning a tank... I told Maulene that I'd be fine with getting wet and she threw water from the bucket at me. Well, Maulene is a shorter than me and she was inside the tank that was a bit below ground level so the water only landed oin my pants. It looked like I peeed... I decided that I was wet anyway and I wanted to experince something new so... I joined them in cleaning the tank. We discovered that if you use the hose in sunlight it makes rainbows and that when you use the hose on each other you have fun!

We asked another guy there if he could just order lunch for us and we just ate in the hatchery. I didn't have a fork so Maulenen lent me hers. We were soaking wet!!! Then we sang Gotta Go My Own Way 5 times. We wanted to make our (their) last day as memorable as possible...

After they went home, I found out that Sheena and Kay would have a farewell party for their department so I had no ride home. So it was decided that Albert and I would go to SM together, where both our parents would fetch us. I hate commuting so I txted Tatay. He and Nanay picked me up at SEAFDEC. Then, we went to Robinson's.

There's a 3 day sale and tonight was a midnight sale. We just bought a 37" flatscreen TV with a free HDMI DVD for ourselves, a 25" or 32" flatscreen TV for one doctor and an electric fan thing for another. We got a free rice cooker and 2 free umbrellas...

And now, I'm getting sleepy...

Life's complicated. Nothing's gonna change that...
10:33 PM

♥ Thursday, May 14, 2009

Yesterday was... eventful. I got overheated, a serious migraine (as a result of the ice I put on my head due to the overheating), and, most importantly, my envelope (the one with all the important paperwork) back!!! I'm so happy! I'm not gonna fail! I won't get kicked out! I won't have to become homeless and beg for food on the streets!!!

Ahem... I was trying to prepare myself for the worst case scenario but I do realize that the chances of my ending up homeless are one in a zillion.

Moving on... Yesterday was also sweltering. I wanted to melt to save myself from the heat. (I had better get some kind of good karma for bearing the agony.) All I wanted to do was sleep. And I did. Except when I woke up, I had the worst headache ever. And lots of sweat. Naturally, I blamed the heat for both. So I asked for some of the ice that they usually use with the fish and, basically, bathed in it. I rubbed it all over, especially on my head, arms, face and neck. I felt way better after that. Until I arrived at SM.

Tatay hadn't replied to my text message yet so I decided to do some window shopping. I got bored after a while. (This season's colors are so not me. Although I did see a cute black bathing suit... Too bad summer's practically over! (Actually, that means that bathing suit will probably go on sale soon...)) Once I received Tatay's SMS, we decided to eat at Mcdo. WHile waiting for my Chicken Mcnuggets and Tatay's Quarter Pounder, I lied, saying I needed to go to the restroom. (I waited until someone was already in the Mcdo restroom. I wanted to get my folder without a lecture from Tatay.) I then went to Pizza Hut, bought 2 slices of Bacon and Cheese and asked if anyone left an envelope!

We went home soon after that. I played with our dogs, including two puppies that Tatay just brought here. I'm naming them Tiramisu and Glee. After that, I took a bath. My splitting headache returned after that. I fell asleep without brushing my teeth.

Life's complicated. Nothing's gonna change that...
8:32 PM

♥ Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Okay... So yesterday, my cellphone ran out of load. (Technically, it's my mother's cellphone but my father won't let me bring mine because I have the best cellphone in our family. He thinks I'll lose it...) I have this internship that I need to survive for our Research subject this coming school year and obviously, I need a cellphone. I'm assigned in SEAFDEC. I needed to be assigned somewhere here in Iloilo so my first choice was actually DOST-Region VI which is in Lapaz. SEAFDEC is in Tigbauan.

Every weekday morning, at 7am, I catch the shuttle. (It's free.) Since it's an hour long ride so we usually get there around 8am. I'm assigned to the Milkfish Hatchery and hatcheries get 9 hours a day, even if we interns only need 8. So I always put 7am-12nn & 1pm-5pm on my daily time record. (Ma'am says she isn't strict with the time and sometimes she even dismisses us as early as 3pm.) I don't really do much more than siphoning and changing the water of our milkfish fry now. Before, I used to feed the pompano and broodstock and, occasionally, seabass.

Every afternoon, I go home by the "service" Kay provides. (We go back to the city in one of their cars for Php20.) I send a text message to Nanay (my mom) or Tatay (my dad) when we leave SEAFDEC. We get off across SM City (except for Nina who gets off at Molo) and that's where I usually meet my parents. From SM, I send them another SMS. They would reply telling me where they were or they would go to where I told them I was.

This is our last week so, yesterday, Banedict, our "group leader" (Everyone, including me, had declined.), distributed the papers we would give our supervisors containing the criteria to grade us on. I put my smaller short paper evenlope, which contained all the other necessary documents (Our SSIP coordinator, Sir Oliver, gave them to us and said that we had to return all of them and he would not accept photocopies.), into the larger long one that the eveluation sheets came in. The long envelope couldn't fit in my bag so I just held it.

Anyway, my cellphone was out of load. Nobody could give me some of theirs because that cellphone's service provider was Globe. Theirs is Smart. Luckily, Tatay texted me just as we were about to leave. He said we had to go to our building (It's really small.) because JM, one of our helpers, had gone home for her mother's birthday and Nang Nec, our other helper, had to stay at our house, leaving nobody to "guard" the building while my mother still had her clinic.

I couldn't reply, of course, so I didn't. Later, he texted me again telling me he was at the supermarket and that he was 'hypo'. My father is diabetic and he so often gets hypoglycemic that we've shortened it to 'hypo'. Well, my father always gets cranky when he's hypo and I was thinking, Great! He's gonna tell me off for not replying and not realizing I was low on load... so naturally, I was starting to feel a little panicky.

On the way there, Kay decided that she would also go to SM. I then received another message from Tatay telling me that he was waiting in the car at parking area C4. We got off Kay's car on the opposite side. I had to cross the mall (which was actually okay since I planned to buy some load). I bought the load (They were all out of Php100 so I had to buy Php300), put the card in my envelope and realized I was hungry. Pizza Hut was close so I bought to slices. I put the envelope on the ledge when I paid for the pizza and (Please note: I couldn't think clearly because I really hate Tatay's lectures. They weren't harsh or anything but they were redundant and always about things that I didn't mean to do or were out of my control. Plus, I was hungry...) I left the envelope on the ledge!!!!!!!!!!

Now, I am going to fail!!! Not only that, I totally wasted Php300 of my (parents) hard earned money!!! And today, since I meet my parents at SM, I had the perfect chance to ask the girl at Pizza Hut about my envelope, I forget. It crossed my mind on the way there but I fell asleep and only remembered once I was back home.

I am so stupid!!! What is wrong with my brain!?! Do I not realize that because I was such in a hurry (BTW for nothing, Apparently there were buy one take one nuts that my father bought and ate so he was actually in a good mood.) that I will have to spend time, money, and effort to photocopy Kay's and to pry that Sir won't realize (unless he reads this...).

I have noone to blame but myself...

Life's complicated. Nothing's gonna change that...
7:29 PM

♥ Monday, May 11, 2009

Okay... Hi! I'm Metmet. I used to have another blog but I got bored with it and haven't posted since we moved. It was pretty boring anyway. Now, since my friend, Justine, wanted me to post a blog, here it is. I'm not very good at "expressing myself" so... I make no promises about how often I post or how interesting this blog is. You're welcome to read it but please DO NOT INSULT ANYTHING (except the grammar. I like to be kept on my toes.) I will try to be perfectly honest in this blog but some details will obviously have to be kept.

Anyway, here is what I think should be enough information about me. I'm just putting my likes and dislikes, so if you must judge me, judge me by them. I like Milk Duds, Reese's Snacksters, strawberry syrup mixed with Mountain Dew, fries with vanilla ice cream (I haven't eaten dinner yet so I'm pretty hungry.), pigs, pink with black (No codenames here. I mean the actual colors.), pink with yellow, pink with purple, pink with... (Pink is my favorite color.), Neopets (esp. Petpet Park), shopping, clothes, shoes, bags, anything wearable, traveling, cumquat smoothies, my Xperia X1, Mystery Detective and Touch Detective 2&1/2 (DS games), reading, Betwixt, Secrets of My Hollywood Life series, Nancy Drew PC games, Chemistry, English, Physics (I get the most sleep from these 3 classes.) and parentheses. There are very few things that I don't like, most of them are wierd. I extremely dislike bananas. (They are evil! Why won't anyone believe me when I say they're trying to take over the world?) That's it. Bananas are the only things I can't stand...

I'm in high school and I go to Philippine Science High School-Western Visayas. I'm going to be a junior this coming school year probably in the section Graviton. I went to Angelicum School Iloilo in elementary and I still try to keep in touch with my best friends from there. I have 4 named dogs; Citrus, Rufus, Cola, and Kimmy, and 6 unnamed puppies. (I'm thinking Vanilla, Pixie, Orchid, Oreo, Dusk, and Glip.)

I'm getting sleepy. It's 11pm. I have to wake up at 6 tomorrow morning. Even though it's supposed to be summer vacation. But... I'll write (i.e. rant) about that tomorrow. Like I said, I need to sleep.

Life's complicated. Nothing's gonna change that...
8:05 PM